47th Meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee
VET Reform Update
The Government’s priorities include negotiations on the National Skills Agreement, strengthening Australia’s TAFE sector, establishing Jobs and Skills Australia, and progressing VET Reforms.
Training Packages: Project/Policy Issues
Update on Agriculture and Production Horticulture Training Product Development Projects
The Committee welcomed Mr Geoff Harvey, Chair of the Agriculture and Production Horticulture Industry Reference Committee (IRC), who provided an update on progress with the AHC Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package review. Members noted the IRC is making good progress and this work will substantially modernise the training package by focussing on the jobs needed by industry.
Members will consider the completed project at its November 2022 meeting.
Update on Gas Training Product Development Projects
The Committee welcomed Mr Michael Broomhead, Chair of the Gas IRC, who provided an update on progress of the current review of the UEG Gas Training Package. The Committee noted growing demand for new workers in the industry and that an increased number of trainers and training providers are needed, particularly with the increased demand in job roles requiring hydrogen related skills. The current review will result in significant updates across the training package.
Members will consider this high priority project at their October 2022 meeting.
Silica Safety Awareness Project Update
The Committee noted Skills Ministers endorsed updates to three of four units for the CPC Construction Plumbing and Services Training Package – Silica Safety Awareness Project approved by the Committee at its 12 April 2022 meeting. The remaining unit CPCSIL1001 Prepare to work safely with products and materials containing crystalline silica) was not endorsed, with Skills Ministers citing safety concerns in complying with the unit’s assessment conditions.
Cases for Endorsement
The Committee considered the following new Cases for Endorsement for referral to Skills Ministers.
IRC | Details of submission | AISC Decision |
Furnishing IRC
MSF Furnishing Training Package – Cabinet Making and Pathways |
The Case for Endorsement includes:
Approved the training products for endorsement on the condition the IRC and SSO develop a communication strategy in partnership with the Queensland State Training Authority regarding use of the merged Cabinet Making and Timber Technology qualification |
Transport and Logistics, and Rail IRCs
TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package – Release 13 |
The Case for Endorsement includes:
Approved the training products for endorsement on the condition the updated unit of competency TLILIC0040 Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) is deemed non-equivalent to the superseded unit |
Aviation IRC
AVI Aviation Training Package – Release 10 |
The Case for Endorsement includes 4 projects:
Project A: Chief Remote Pilot
Project B: Air Traffic Control
Project C: Commercial Pilot – Helicopter
Project D: Aviation Supervision
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Culture and Related Industries IRC
CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package |
The Case for Endorsement includes 2 projects:
Project A: Virtual and Hybrid Events and Creative Products
Project B: Working with Confronting Materials
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Public Safety IRC
DEF Defence Training Package – Release 5 |
The Case for Endorsement includes six projects:
Project A: Electronic Digital Forensics
Project B: Paralegal Services
Project C: Test and Evaluation
Project D: Work Diving
Project C: Ranger Control
Project D: Moral Injury
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Timber and Wood Processing, and Forest Management and Harvesting IRCs
FWP Forest and Wood Products Training Package Version 8 |
The Case for Endorsement includes 2 projects:
Part 1 – Sawmilling and Timber Processing
Part 2 – Responding and Assisting in Bushfires
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Coal Mining; Metalliferous Mining; and Drilling IRCs
RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package – Autonomous Operations |
The Case for Endorsement includes:
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Electrotechnology IRC
UEE Electrotechnology Training Package – Release 4.0 |
The Case for Endorsement includes 4 projects:
Project A: Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical
Project B: Electricity Meters
Project C: Hazardous Areas
Project D: Assess and Report on Smoke Control Features
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Electricity Supply Industry Transmission, Distribution and Rail IRC
UET Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector Training Package – Release 4 |
The Case for Endorsement includes:
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Public Safety IRC
PUA Public Safety Training Package – National Recovery Training Program (Tranche 2) |
The Case for Endorsement includes:
Approved the training products for endorsement |
Next meeting: The next AISC meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 October 2022.