Message from the AISC Chair – July Newsletter

Since my last newsletter, there have been some updates from across the skills landscape that I’d like to share with you.

The AISC welcomes the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP as the new Commonwealth Minister for Skills and Training. The new Government has made important commitments for the VET system. This includes progressing negotiation of the National Skills Agreement, delivering 465,000 free TAFE places, and establishing Jobs and Skills Australia to strengthen workforce planning.

At its 46th meeting on 1 June 2022, the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) approved several training projects and considered arrangements for the termination of projects that cannot be completed in 2022. Further details are in the communique and the newsletter below.

There are currently 67 training products in development. Our focus is on finalising as many of these as possible prior to transitioning to the Industry Clusters. I’m pleased to report most of these projects are progressing well. The AISC will continue to support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) in any way it can to ensure projects are completed on time. Please contact the Secretariat if assistance is required.

I look forward to working with you all as we move into the second half of the year.

Best regards,

Ms Natalie James to lead the newly established Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR)

On 1 July 2022, the Department of Education, Skills and Employment became the Department of Education (DE) as part of the Machinery of Government changes. These changes also established the new Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

DEWR will be led by Ms Natalie James, who will oversee the implementation and administration of the Government’s employment, workplace relations, and skills and training agenda.

Skills Reform update: Industry Clusters Grant Opportunity

A detailed evaluation of applications submitted under Stage One is currently being finalised by DEWR. Outcomes of Stage One will be announced after finalising the evaluation, completing subsequent negotiations and awarding Stage One grant funding. A negotiation and clarification phase with shortlisted applicants will commence from August 2022.

Stage Two of the process is expected to open from September 2022. Stage Two will invite newly established Industry Clusters to provide an operational and delivery strategy detailing how they will carry out the full range of Cluster functions.

Successful Stage Two applicants will then be invited to negotiate a second grant agreement that provides operational and activity funding. We expect this to be complete by late 2022.

More information about the Industry Clusters Grant Opportunity is available on the Skills Reform website.

AISC meeting updates

The AISC has held its 46th meeting since the last newsletter. The meeting communique is available on the AISC website.

The following items are of particular interest to IRCs and SSOs:

Approach for managing unfinished training package projects

In transitioning to the new industry engagement, the AISC considered arrangements for the termination of projects that cannot be completed in 2022. The AISC agreed the following will apply in determining if a project is in scope for termination:

  1. the validation draft (Milestone 3 of the project) is not available by 1 September 2022
  2. the Case for Endorsement is due at the final AISC meeting in November and has not been submitted to the Secretariat by 21 October 2022.

IRCs and SSOs have been notified of these decisions. If you have any questions, please contact the AISC Secretariat.

Updated advice on the delivery of first aid training

The AISC wishes to advise Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) that there is updated advice about the delivery of first aid training. A statement on the updated advice is available on the AISC website.

Consultations on updating the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is continuing to work with several Australian Government agencies to update the ANZSCO. The ABS is now inviting submissions on the following topics:   

  • Skills in ANZSCO
    The ABS is seeking input on how skills can be better reflected in the classification, and if this has any unintended impacts for the broader user community.
  • Maintaining ANZSCO
    The ABS is seeking feedback on the core components of a maintenance strategy that could best support users to accommodate changes to different levels of the classification at more regular intervals.

We encourage IRCs to raise awareness of the consultation with your own industry stakeholders. The ABS is now inviting submissions through the ABS Consultation Hub. Submissions close 26 July 2022.

Please email ANZCO Maintenance with any questions on this consultation or if you would like to receive materials to promote the consultation. Thank you all for your input during the current and previous consultations.