New qualification for outside school hours care sector

As part of its consideration of updates to qualifications supporting the early childhood sector, the AISC agreed in April 2021 to delete the CHC40113 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care. This decision was based on feedback from industry that the Certificate IV was not suitable as an entry level qualification for workers in the outside school hours sector. The AISC also received advice that a Certificate III accredited course was being developed by the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance (NOSHSA) that was supported by industry.

The course developed by NOSHSA, the Certificate III in Outside School Hours Care, has now been accredited by the Australian Skills and Quality Authority on 25 August 2021 and is available on the national register for RTO delivery.

The deletion of CHC40113 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care will be delayed until the end of June 2022. This allows for adequate time for the Certificate III to start being delivered by RTOs in order to help ensure a smooth transition to the newly developed qualification.

Update: At its 1 June 2022 meeting the AISC agreed to a further six-month extension to the scheduled 30 June 2022 deletion for the CHC40113 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care. The extension is to allow for continued enrolment for students and trainees while recognition process for the replacement Certificate III accredited course to be finalised with states and territories.