41st Meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee
Aged Care and Disability Support Qualifications Review
The Committee welcomed: Ms Jodie Davis, Chair, Direct Client Care Industry Reference Committee (IRC); Mr Marcus Riley, Chair, Aged Services IRC; Mr Benjamin Keast, Chair, Disability Support IRC; and Melinda Brown, General Manager, SkillsIQ, who presented the case for endorsement for the project to update the Certificate III in Individual Support, the Certificate IV in Ageing Support, and the Certificate IV in Disability.
The Committee acknowledged the significant work that has been undertaken by the three IRCs to update qualifications. The Committee agreed on the critical importance and the requirement for timely implementation of this project given the findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care, Quality and Safety which highlighted the need to review current training products, and significant workforce and skills needs across the aged care and disability support sectors.
The AISC also acknowledged that the project has been underpinned by extensive stakeholder consultation, with multiple opportunities provided for stakeholders to give feedback. Concerns raised and the proposed responses were documented comprehensively. The AISC agreed that the process for the project has been robust, and that the updated training products presented by the IRC reflect the broad needs of the aged care and disability support sectors nationally.
While the Committee noted the integrity of the project process, and the significant evidence of stakeholder support for the proposed updates to the training products, it also noted that there continue to be residual (albeit significant) differences in views among some sections of industry relating to the content and structure of a small number of units of competency. The AISC also noted that a number of implementation issues have been raised.
Given these concerns, and in the interest of achieving a timely resolution building on the work the three IRC’s have already done, the AISC approved the revised training products for the CHC Community Services Training Package Individual Support, Ageing and Disability Support, on the proviso that the training products are referred to Skills Senior Officials Network (SSON) as part of the endorsement process to urgently provide advice on:
- Common outstanding issues relating to training package content and structure, as raised with jurisdictions by their industry stakeholders and how these issues will be managed to achieve resolution and acceptance of the Training Package
- Steps that can be taken to support RTO uptake and delivery of the updated training products.
VET Reform update
The Committee received an overview on the Transition Advisory Group’s (TAG) engagement activities across their member networks and key stakeholders to keep them informed on the design, implementation, and transition to the new industry engagement arrangements.
The Committee noted briefings were held with IRC Chairs in early September and further communication and engagement will occur over the coming months as further details on transition and implementation are finalised and become available.
In addition, members received an update on progress with stakeholder consultations in relation to the other two immediate areas of Skills Reform: Qualifications Reform; and Quality Reforms.
Case for Endorsement – New
The Committee considered the following new Cases for Endorsement for referral to Skills Ministers: