AISC Communique – 19 August 2021 Meeting

40th Meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee

Aged Care and Disability Support Qualifications Review

The Committee welcomed Ms Jodie Davis, Chair, Direct Client Care Industry Reference Committee (IRC), and Melinda Brown, General Manager, SkillsIQ, who provided an update on progress with the review to update the Certificate III in Individual Support, the Certificate IV in Ageing Support, and the Certificate IV in Disability.

Members noted that the second round of stakeholder consultation was undertaken at the end of July and that the draft training products were on track and in the process of being finalised ahead of submission to the AISC for consideration at its 12 October 2021 meeting.

The Committee acknowledged the stakeholder consultation process to date has been comprehensive, with multiple opportunities for industry engagement.

Mining Skills Organisation Pilot

The Committee welcomed Mr Gavin Lind, Interim CEO, and Mr Nigel Haywood, General Manager, from the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP) who provided an update on progress with the four ‘project hubs’ under the MSOP.

Members noted each of the four ‘project hubs’ address an issue that is of critical importance to the mining industry, including: digital transformation; apprenticeships; attraction and retention; and qualifications reform.

Members also noted the MSOP is in the process of trialling an accelerated apprenticeship program in Western Australian and Queensland that, if successful, could be considered for adoption across other industries in the future.

VET Reform update

The Committee received an overview of the advice provided by the Transition Advisory Group (TAG) to support the design, implementation, and transition to the new industry engagement arrangements.

The Committee also discussed potential approaches to support the efficient transition to the new industry engagement model.

Case for Endorsement – New

The Committee considered the following five new Cases for Endorsement for referral to Skills Ministers: