AISC Communique – 20 April 2021 Meeting

The 37th meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) was held on 20 April 2021.

Aged Care and Disability Support qualifications review

The Committee welcomed Ms Jodie Davis, Chair, Direct Client Care IRC, Mr Marcus Riley, Chair, Aged Services IRC, and Mr Benjamin Keast, Chair, Disability Support IRC, who were invited to present on the review they are undertaking to update the Certificate III in Individual Support, the Certificate IV in Ageing Support, and the Certificate IV in Disability.

Members noted that the review is well underway, with considerable feedback provided on Draft 1 which is still in the process of being analysed.  Members also noted advice from the IRC Chairs with respect to the interdependencies between this review and the Royal Commissions into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

TAE Training and Education Training Package review

The Committee welcomed Mr Andrew Shea, Chair of the Education IRC, who was invited to present to members on a forthcoming proposal to review and update the TAE Training and Education Training Package.

The Committee noted the proposed review will be significant because of its linkages to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the VET Trainer and Assessor credentials. If approved, the Review will complement work already underway to develop a VET Workforce Quality Strategy, identified as an immediate priority under the Heads of Agreement for Skills Reform.

VET Reform Update and Discussion

Members were provided with an update on the stakeholder consultations undertaken as part of the process to reform industry engagement in the VET system.  Feedback provided as part of this process is currently being collated and will inform national reforms to the VET sector.

IRC Membership

The Committee agreed to extend all Industry Reference Committee (IRC) memberships, including Chair and Deputy Chair appointments, until 31 December 2021.  This extension will support IRCs to complete critical training package development and will be subject to any decisions that Skills Ministers may make regarding the future of industry engagement arrangements.

Members also noted the draft report on the IRC network had been finalised out of session and provided to the Skills Senior Officials Network.

IRC Action Plan Progress Update

The Committee noted progress on key achievements in the action plan to strategically engage and enhance support to the IRC network. The action plan is available on the AISC website.

Transition arrangements – Victoria

Members agreed to Victoria’s request to extend the transition period for Victorian students enrolled in the release Version 3 Certificate III in Individual Support prior to 9 September 2020 to 31 December 2021 (refer to the AISC Communique of 2 October 2020).

This decision was made in recognition of the significant impact of COVID-19 lockdowns in that state, and intended to help minimise the impact on students by allowing them additional time to complete their course under the requirements that existed at the time of their enrolment.

Members acknowledged the significant industry support for infection control training to be mandatory for students undertaking the ageing and disability specialisations of the Certificate III. They reiterated their strong expectation that impacted students should be offered support to undertake the HLTSS00064 Infection Control skill set as soon as possible after the completion of their qualification.

The Committee agreed to review this position in consultation with Victorian State Training Authority in October 2021.

HLT Health Training Package – First Aid

Members agreed to updated advice being provided to RTOs regarding the delivery of first aid training, allowing RTOs to resume the training and assessment of breaths directly into a manikin for cardiopulmonary resuscitation within associated First Aid units.
Members noted that RTOs must ensure compliance with state and territory health requirements.

The Committee also agreed the IRC should be directed to review this advice by 30 October 2021, once the vaccination roll-out is more advanced.

Entry in Care Roles Skill Set

Members agreed to extend the trial period for the Entry into Care Roles skill set for six months to 31 December 2021, allowing students to complete the course and be part of the evaluation.  In doing so, the AISC noted that the trial had been delayed due to the impact of COVID-19 on the Aged Care and Disability Support sectors.

High Risk Work Licence Units

Members noted recent correspondence from Safe Work Australia (SWA) highlighting that the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations are the appropriate mechanism for specifying the requirements for High Risk Work Licence (HRWL).

The Committee acknowledged that the development of a forthcoming consultation strategy will help ensure the alignment of regulation and training products, by strengthening engagement with SWA and other relevant stakeholders. Once finalised, this strategy will support all work on training products related to HRWL requirements.

Members also noted that the Transport and Logistics Industry Reference Committee is preparing advice for the AISC on options to address HRWL-related issues in the TLI Transport and Logistics Training Package.

Case for Endorsement – Resubmission

The Committee approved the following resubmitted Case for Endorsement for referral to Ministers:

IRC Details of submission AISC Decision
Childrens Educations and Care IRC

CHC Community Services – Children’s Education and Care

This resubmission includes:

  • 2 updated qualifications
Approved the training products for endorsement

In approving this package, the AISC agreed to:

  • remove prerequisites from two units in the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
  • retain the proposed entry requirement to the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care 
  • delete the Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care.

The AISC also agreed:

  • to the development of resources to support RTOs to undertake Recognition of Prior Learning for students with experience in the sector or other education-related qualifications who do not meet the entry requirement to the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
  • that research be commissioned to examine the impact of the Certificate III entry requirement to the Diploma on Diploma enrolment/completions over the next 18-24 months.

AISC Emergency Response Sub committee (ERSC) Proposals

The Committee approved the following ERSC training product for referral to Ministers:

IRC Details of Submission AISC Decision
Business Services IRC

Critical Skills for Recovery Proposal – Mental Health and Organisational Disruption Skill Set

This Report for Approval includes:

  • 1 new unit of competency
  • 1 new skill set
Approved the training products for endorsement.

Cases for Change

The Committee approved the following two Cases for Change:

IRC Details of Submission AISC Decision
Business Services IRC

BSB Business Services – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Governance, Cyber-security Awareness and Organisational Disruption projects

This Case for Change includes:

  • 2 revised qualifications
  • 27 revised units of competency
  • 4 new skill sets
  • 12 new units of competency
Approved to proceed to training package development
Furnishing IRC

MSF Furnishing – Glass and Glazing project

This Case for Change includes:

  • 1 updated qualification
  • 1 updated unit of competency
Approved to proceed to training package development

Next meeting: The next AISC meeting will be held on Tuesday 22 June 2021.