Communique: Emergency Response Sub-committee – 28 April 2020

The fourth meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Emergency Response Sub‑Committee (the sub-committee) was held on Tuesday 28 April, 2020.

Industry intelligence on priority issues

The sub-committee considered updated advice from industry stakeholders on current and emerging issues affecting the VET sector as a result of COVID-19.

The sub-committee agreed to rapid work being undertaken to respond to cybersecurity issues in the COVID-19 environment. The AISC Secretariat will continue to monitor this closely and provide a further update at their next meeting.

The sub-committee noted consultations with industry to monitor whether any changes will be required to national training products to meet the expected increase in laboratory operations – point of care testing during the COVID-19 crisis.

The sub-committee agreed that a summary of the priority issues would be published on the AISC website shortly.

Infection Control

The sub-committee considered an infection control cross-sectoral skill set to support frontline health workers and other occupations such as security officers, as well as workers in other industries such as mining and drilling, utilities (e.g. water) and the community sector. The proposed new skill set has been informed by consultations with stakeholders and will protect workers who are exposed to unprecedented and unusual infection risks during the COVID-19 crisis. The sub-committee requested that the Secretariat develop a set of resources to support delivery of the skill set to diverse industry audiences for their consideration at the next meeting. Subject to final approval, it is anticipated that the infection control cross-sectoral skill set could be available for training from week commencing 4 May 2020.

Human Services Skill Set

The sub-committee noted that consultation had commenced with a range of stakeholders, including the Human Services Care Skills Organisation Pilot, Industry Reference Committees, peak bodies and union affiliates, on a proposal for an introductory skill set to respond to potential aged care and disability support workforce and service delivery risks posed by the COVID-19 crisis.  The consultation period closes 29th April.

The sub-committee will consider the finalised proposal to develop the skill set at their next meeting.

Next Meeting

The next sub-committee meeting will be held on Monday 4 May, 2020.