The eighth meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Emergency Response Sub‑Committee (the sub-committee) was held on Wednesday 3 June, 2020.
Critical Skills for Economic Recovery
The sub-committee received a presentation from Adam Boyton, Interim National Skills Commissioner, and discussed critical skill needs to support economic recovery. The sub-committee also discussed options to prioritise and operationalise proposed new or revised training products needed to support economic recovery. Further advice, including an updated communications strategy, will be provided at the next meeting.
Industry Intelligence on Priority Issues
The sub-committee noted the updated advice from industry and VET stakeholders, received through the AISC and ASQA feedback processes, on current and emerging issues affecting the sector due to COVID-19. The sub-committee noted issues actively being progressed towards resolution including mandatory work placements and ancillary aged and personal care staff, including cooks.
Cyber Security and Digital Skills
The sub-committee noted the progress in expediting an ICT case for endorsement including seven new skill sets for the ICT Training Package in the specialty areas of cloud computing, cyber security, data analytics, and the Internet of Things. The new skill sets will address urgent knowledge and skill needs for the information technology industry workforce in the context of COVID-19.
The ICT case for endorsement with urgent skill sets will be brought to the AISC for consideration at the 16 June 2020 meeting.
Infection Control
The sub-committee discussed a statement on the implementation of the new infection control skill sets, to provide clarity to RTOs who are delivering or planning to deliver the infection control skill sets to ensure these are implemented in accordance with the sub-committee and Skills Ministers expectations. The sub-committee requested the AISC Secretariat to review and finalise the statement out of session to ensure it provides simple, clear advice. The statement will be published on the AISC website once finalised.
Next Meeting
The next sub-committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 June 2020.