Established in May 2015 by the then COAG Industry and Skills Council (comprised of skills ministers from each jurisdiction), the AISC is the industry-led body that provides advice on the implementation of national vocational education and training (VET) policies. The AISC’s role is to ensure that directions taken by skills ministers are informed by an industry-based perspective focused on the quality and relevance of the national training system.
In May 2020 the Prime Minister announced that the former Council of Australian Governments (COAG) ceased and a new architecture for federal relations was established. The new architecture includes the Skills National Cabinet Reform Committee (Skills Committee), which is a time-limited committee supporting ongoing reforms and the Skills Ministers’ Meeting (SMM), which provides an ongoing forum for national cooperation on the VET sector.
The AISC recommends national training package products to SMM for endorsement. Endorsed products are then listed on the National Register ( for implementation by Registered Training Organisations.
The AISC operates in a partnership arrangement across the national training system. This includes the Australian Government, Industry Reference Committees (IRCs), Skills Services Organisations (SSOs), state and territory governments and regulators within the VET sector.
This makes the AISC the key conduit for industry advice to Government on the quality, relevance and responsiveness of Australia’s VET sector. Industry engagement is crucial to the work of the AISC to ensure the VET sector delivers high quality, relevant and responsive training to meet the needs of industry, employers and students.
Each member of the AISC is nominated by the Australian Government or state and territory ministers responsible for skills and training. Members are appointed to the AISC because of their industry-based leadership, expertise and unique perspectives on the current and emerging needs of the national training system. The AISC also has a rotating member from Australia’s key peak industry associations, as well as two ex-officio members, currently senior Australian Government officials. This combination of skills, leadership and expertise ensure the AISC operates with strong partnerships, bringing together the diverse range of stakeholders that makes up Australia’s VET sector.