What is an IRC?

Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) are the formal channel for considering industry skills requirements in the development and review of training packages.

Each IRC is made up of people with close links to industry. They are leaders in their own sectors from big business to small enterprise and peak bodies to unions, who understand the skills needs of their sector, industry or occupation.

IRCs advise the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) about the skills needs of their industry sector. IRCs ensure training packages meet the needs and concerns of employers, employees, training providers, and people seeking training qualifications.

To make sure industry’s voice is heard, IRCs gather information from their industry sector – including challenges, opportunities, trends and industry requirements for training – to advise on training packages.

They use this information to develop and review training packages to help make sure the national training system provides the qualifications, knowledge and skill sets that industry needs.

IRCs also promote the use of vocational education and training in the industry sectors they represent.

Each IRC is supported by a Skills Service Organisation (SSO) to help them in their work. For details about SSOs visit the SSO page.