The tenth meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Emergency Response Sub‑Committee (the sub-committee) was held on Thursday 2 July 2020.
Critical Skills for Economic Recovery
The sub-committee approved the process to support the rapid development of training products to support workers obtain necessary skills to meet labour market needs. The sub-committee also discussed ways this process would support business owners and workers to build resilience and adaptability as they adjust to new operating environments and transition to new opportunities while the economy recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.
The sub-committee noted that the process will be underpinned by a set of prioritisation criteria and guiding principles to ensure new products are fit for purpose and meet the needs of workers and businesses based on identified new occupational skills requirements. The sub-committee requested minor amendments to the prioritisation criteria to emphasise the focus should be on rapid skill acquisition, adaptation of existing skills, and to support the identification and promotion of existing skills sets. Once developed, new products will be promoted through National Careers Institute and Employment Service Providers and industry partners.
Infection Control
The sub-committee approved the new Cross Sector Infection Control Unit Follow infection prevention and control policies and procedures in own work activities and Cross Sector Infection Control Skill Set. The sub-committee agreed that the new training products would support the delivery of infection control training across multiple industries, and complement the existing Skill Sets for Retail, Food Handling and Transport and Logistics. Delivery of the new cross sector skill set is able to be supported through the Infection Control Training Fund.
Industry Intelligence on Priority Issues
The sub-committee noted advice from industry and VET stakeholders, received through the AISC and ASQA feedback processes, on current and emerging issues affecting the sector due to COVID-19.
Next Meeting
The next sub-committee meeting will be held on 28 July 2020.