The sixteenth meeting of the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Emergency Response Sub‑Committee (the sub-committee) was held on Thursday 8 October 2020.
Mandatory Work Requirements
The sub-committee today met to consider the issue of mandatory workplace requirements (MWR) in training products, and the impact that COVID-19 restrictions have had on students, Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and employers in completing these requirements.
This follows a request from skills ministers for advice from the AISC on options and solutions to address issues associated with mandatory work placement requirements in training packages arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The sub-committee discussed information gathered through multiple sources, including RTOs and their national peak bodies, the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) and TAFE Directors Australia (TDA), employers, Industry Reference Committees (IRCs), Commonwealth regulators and state and territory training authorities.
The sub-committee extended their sincere thanks to those stakeholders who had provided information and advice as part of this process. This includes members of relevant IRCs who have undertaken a rapid review of the top 20 qualifications by enrolment that contain units with workplace requirements.
Following discussions at today’s meeting, the sub-committee will finalise advice for skills ministers by mid-October 2020 and issue further advice to stakeholders.
Infection Control – revised communications
The sub-committee agreed to the revised communications plan regarding the inclusion of strengthened infection control components to the Certificate III in Individual Support, subject to final clarification of previous steps taken.
Next Meeting
The next sub-committee meeting will be held on 14 October 2020.