Streamlining of national training products: Revised lists of products for deletion

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) agreed in December 2020 to the immediate deletion of a number of training products from the national vocational education and training (VET) register. The AISC also agreed a process for reinstating units and qualifications where there is a strong rationale for doing so.

Since this meeting, the AISC has received representations from industry in relation to a number of products that either have enrolments, or which are anticipated to have utility over the short to medium term. In accordance with the process agreed in December 2020, Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) were asked to provide advice to the AISC on products they consider should be reinstated into the system during January 2021.

The AISC reviewed the advice from IRCs at their 23 February 2021 meeting and found that there was justification for reinstating a small proportion of training products previously agreed for deletion into the national training system. Reasons for retention included evidence of current or imminent enrolments, units being core in qualifications being retained, linkages with industrial and legislative arrangements, and whether the product was part of a current or already planned training product review in 2021.

These products are anticipated to be reinstated on the national register by mid-April 2021.

Please use the links below to access the full lists of products to be reinstated, as well as updated lists of products being deleted as a result of the request from skills ministers to streamline and rationalise the national training system.

The products that have been deleted are still accessible on as a reference point for industry but not for enrolment purposes.